Featuring -

ET Yabutt

Conservative Extra Terrestrial commenting on earthlings behavior, often giving it's opinion

ET Yuno

Liberal Extra Terrestrial commenting on earthlings behavior, often giving their opinions

ET Chuk-ul

Smart ass Extra Terrestrial commenting on earthlings behavior, most often giving a sarcastic comment

Hillary Clinton

Former first lady currently under investigation by the FBI for mishandling top secret documents, obstruction of justice  and racketeerin and corruption while running the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State.  She is currently grunning for president

Uncle Sam

The American People

Ayatollah Khameini

Religious leader of Iran


Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - Radical Islamist  terrorists who cut off people's head if they don't convert to Islam.


Quidam - A nameless face in the crowd  - (John Q. Public)



God's Cuz

God's cousin - Picture unavailable, unavailable for comment.

Donald Trump

Former TV Reality Star/Billionare running for President

President Barack Obama

President of the United States

President Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

American Republican Party (Conservatives)

Those people who are Republicans, have conservative values and are known as "The Red States"

American Democratic Party (Liberals)

Those people who are Democrats, have liberal values and are known as "The Blue States"

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (leader of ISIS)

Islamic Scholar and leader of ISIS.